Dimitris Dimitriadis, Futurist and CIO at TheFutureCats Innovation Consultancy, together with Dimosthenis Spyridis, Web3 Strategist at TheFutureCats, spoke at the 19th Project Management Conference at OTE Academy.
The conference took place on May 15-16. This year’s theme was “Riding the Wave of AI”, which focused on the upcoming changes and improvements artificial intelligence brings. Discussions addressed questions about AI tools that can be used in Project Management, changes that can lead a project to success, and the competitive advantage of knowing how to use AI.
On May 15, Dimitris Dimitriadis presented “Navigating the Future: AI’s Role in Redefining Project Management”. He talked about how AI will revolutionize current practices and fundamentally change the concept of Project Management.
On the second day, May 16, Dimitris Dimitriadis and Dimosthenis Spyridis presented “Transforming Project Management with AI: Beyond Automation to Innovation”. They discussed how AI can enhance productivity and efficiency by automating Project Management’s processes.